Works to trees covered by a Tree Preservation Order

TPOs are created under the provisions of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and associated Regulations. This means that it is an offence to:

  • cut down
  • top
  • lop
  • uproot
  • wilfully damage
  • or wilfully destroy a tree without the planning authority's permission

You could be fined up to £20,000 on a summary conviction, or on indictment be liable to an unlimited fine.

If work is required on a tree within a Conservation Area, you must notify the Arboriculture Team of your intention to carry out the proposed tree works.

All types of trees can be covered by an order except hedges, bushes and shrubs.

If you'd like to see if work is being carried out on a protected tree, and that the owner has permission, view the planning application website.

Apply to carry out tree works

Or download and print the works to trees application form.