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Find out more about the projects happening in Stockport.
Find out how the fund will invest in economic growth, regeneration, improved transport, connectivity, skills and enterprise.
The Marple Hub project is supported by the Capital Levelling Up Fund, and will involve creating a new community hub, plus active travel and highways improvements in the local area.
Find out more about the Market place and Underbanks.
Greek Street bridge replacement
Find out more about the Greek Street bridge replacement in Stockport.
Transport Interchange
Find out more about the transport Interchange.
Stockport Exchange
Find out more about Stockport Exchange.
Rail Station Masterplan
Find out more about the rail Masterplan
Find out more about the council's plans for Merseyway.
Redrock Stockport
Redrock Stockport is an exciting £45 million leisure development aimed at transforming a key area of the Stockport Town Centre.
Find out more about Aurora Stockport
Town Centre Access Plan
Find out more about the investment in the Town Centre Access Plan.