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Information for you and your family.
Support for the development of children from pre-birth to 5 years, including early language, infant feeding and getting ready for school.
Finding childcare and help with costs, including funded childcare for 2, 3 and 4-year-olds. Also includes information for providers.
The local offer provides information about the support available in Stockport for children and young people with SEND, their families and carers.
Information about careers, training, volunteering and local services for young people preparing for adulthood.
Find advice and information on long term health conditions, mental health, healthy weight and diet, drugs and alcohol, and how to stop smoking.
Find your local health services, including help with prescriptions and other health costs.
Apply for benefits, find debt advice information and advice centre locations.
Including affordable housing, assistance for home repairs and supported and older person's housing.
Supporting Children: Free online courses
Free online courses for anyone who plays an active role in a child’s life.
Support into employment
Help and support into employment for adults over 18 with a disability or mental health issue.
Early Help Assessment
Find out more information about the Early Help Assessment (EHA).
Registration of births
When you have a child, you must register them within 42 days of their birth and apply for a birth certificate.
Get help and advice about domestic abuse
Anyone can be a victim of domestic abuse, regardless of gender, age, ethnicity, socio-economic status, sexuality or background.
Keeping children safe
Report a concern about a child and find safeguarding information for children in entertainment and employment.
Youth Offending Service
The Youth Offending Service aims to prevent and reduce re-offending by young people.