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Information about the range of social care services available for adults in Stockport.
We can support you to live at home for as long as is safely possible to help you keep your independence.
If you're a carer, we can help you to get the support you need.
Everyone has the right to live in safety, and free from abuse and neglect. Here's how to report it and prevent it.
Find information on how much you may have to pay towards your care, direct payments, paying your bill and how to tell us about a change in your circumstances.
Advice and information if you or someone you care for is thinking about moving to a care home or supported housing.
Find out if you're eligible for support from us and how to request a needs assessment.
Find out about the equipment and adaptations we offer to help you live safely and independently in your own home.
Think Carer Strategy 2024 to 2029
The Think Carer Strategy is a plan for Stockport as a place and a community. The intention is that it will become the focus for work to improve recognition of and support for carers in Stockport over the next 5 years.
Moving from children's to adult social care
Information about the Early Adulthood team and moving from children's to adults social care including how to make a referral and information about the assessment process.
Support for autistic people
Support and services for autistic people from pre-school, through education and into adulthood.
Support for disabilities and sensory loss
Find out what services and support is available if you, or the person you care for, has a disability or sensory loss.
Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) local offer
The local offer provides information about the support available in Stockport for children and young people with SEND, their families and carers.
Dementia care
Find information about dementia care in Stockport and view the dementia strategy.
Shared Lives
Learn more about the Shared Lives scheme in adult social care.
Raise a quality issue or concern about a care provider
Find information and advice on how to raise a quality issue or concern about a care provider in Stockport.
Cost of Care exercise and Market Sustainability Plan
Find information about the Cost of Care exercise carried out as part of the government’s adult social care reforms and our Market Sustainability Plan.
Adult social care policies
Our strategies, policies and procedures about adult social care.
Use our events calendar to find local events to support your health and wellbeing.