Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
Portage Service
The Start Well Portage team work with pre-school children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) and their families. Portage workers play a part in minimising the barriers which may confront families who have children with SEND. Portage supports the national and local development of inclusive services for all children.
Visit our webpage for more information on the Portage service.
Free online course: Understanding your child with additional needs
In Our Place offers an online course that covers different aspects of parenting children with SEND, including:
- sleeping
- anger management
- how we interact with each other
Visit In Our Place and use the access code REDROCK to access the course.
Other useful links
For more information and advice, you can visit:
the One Stockport Local SEND directory, where you can find details of services, local and national organisations and community groups in Stockport who support children and young people with SEND
Parents and Carers Together Stockport (PACTS), an independent local forum in Stockport for parents, carers and family members of children and young people with SEND