National Register of Taxi and Private Hire Licence Revocations and Refusals (NR3 Register)
The NR3 register has been set up to improve public safety and confidence in Hackney Carriage and Private Hire licensing of drivers. It was commissioned by the Local Government Association (LGA) and contains limited information about the refusal or revocation of Hackney Carriage or Private Hire driver licences around the UK. The aim of the register is to prevent drivers who have been refused a licence or had it revoked in one area of the UK, from going to another area to obtain a licence.
The register is hosted by the National Anti-Fraud Network (NAFN) and access to the register is available only to members of NAFN.
When you make any type of driver application with us, we’ll check the register for any entries from Taxi Licensing at other councils. We’ll do this in accordance with our policy. You can view our NR3 policy on the NR3 register documents page. If there’s a match with any data held on the register, we’ll contact that council and request further information from them in order to assist in deciding whether to issue you with a licence.
Likewise, if your licence is refused or revoked we will add limited details about you onto the register. We may receive requests from Taxi Licensing at other councils if you make an application to be a licensed driver with them. When we receive a request for further information from another council, we’ll decide how to respond to the request, ensuring any response complies with the provisions of the UK General Data Protection Regulation and the Data Protection Act 2018. Once we’re satisfied that the other council’s data protection procedures are satisfactory, and their request is necessary for exercising their functions as a licensing authority, we’ll decide what information to provide to them.
You can read our privacy notice for NR3 to find out more about how we will use your information.