The Sustainability Appraisal Report (PDF 3.8Mb) is a test required by planning legislation to check:
- whether or not Planning Strategy and Policy has been prepared according to various guidance
- whether it is consistent with national and regional policies
- if it has been subjected to sustainability appraisal
Annexes to the Sustainability Appraisal Report (PDF 1.4Mb)
The Habitats Regulations Assessment Screening Report (PDF 1.2Mb)) has been produced to determine whether the Core Strategy for Stockport is likely to have a significant impact on any sites and therefore require a full Appropriate Assessment (AA).
The Inspectors Final Report (PDF 529Kb) is an examination into the Stockport Core Strategy Development Plan Document.
The Duty to Co-operate (PDF 139Kb) is a memorandum of understanding between Stockport Council and Cheshire East Borough Council. It's main purposes are to:
- establish areas of agreement between the Cheshire East Council and Stockport Council
- identify areas where further work is required
- set out a future work programme for areas of collaboration