Walking aids
If you find it difficult walking around your home without the support of a walking aid, contact the Adult Community Therapy Team.
Wheelchair services
If you feel you need an assessment for a wheelchair, live within the borough of Stockport, and are registered with a Stockport GP, contact your GP for a referral to the wheelchair service.
Mobility scooters
If you're considering buying a scooter, you'll need to think about:
- how you can safely store the scooter outside your home
- how you'll get the scooter in and out of your home
Note: adaptations for scooters are not eligible for statutory grant funding.
Hiring wheelchairs and scooters
Wheelchairs can be hired from the British Red Cross for short-term use.
Shopmobility Stockport provides equipment to help you do your shopping and visit local facilities and attractions. Equipment includes the use of wheelchairs and scooters, both manual and powered.