Our vision rehabilitation service includes:
- a full assessment of your sensory loss needs and care plan
- mobility training to help you get around safely indoors and outdoors
- kitchen and household skills training to help you complete everyday tasks safely
- training to help you use magnifiers, writing aids and technology more effectively
- support to help you adjust to your sight loss
- advice about understanding your eye condition and making the best use of your vision
- advice about lighting and your home environment
- demonstrating and/or providing specialist equipment for your home
- an assessment for any mobility aids you may need. For example; a long cane, a walking stick, a symbol cane
- advice about the benefits and services you may be eligible for following your sight loss registration
Request sight loss equipment
We have a range of equipment on offer to help you with everyday living and to maintain your independence.
Some equipment and services may be provided if needs are identified following an assessment from one of our Equipment and Adaptations Officers or a Rehabilitation Officer.