The Sunday Trading Act 1994 allows small retail shops that have less than 280 square metres floor space to open at any time on a Sunday, for the full 24 hours if necessary.
Large shops that have over 280 square metres floor space have their Sunday opening hours limited to any 6 continuous hours between 10am and 6pm. Large shop must display their Sunday opening hours both at the entrance and inside the premises. No large shop may open on Easter Sunday or Christmas Day, if it's a Sunday.
There are exemptions for certain large shops. For example:
- retail shops run by Jewish owners if they observe the Jewish Sabbath
- farm shops
- restaurants
- public houses
- motor cycle supply shops
- exhibitions
- petrol filling stations
- pharmacies
- hairdressers
- shoe repairers
Visit the GOV.UK website for more information about the law and trading hours for retailers.