Current adopted development plan for Stockport
The current adopted development plan for Stockport consists of the following:
saved policies of the Stockport Unitary Development Plan (UDP) Review and UDP Review Proposals Map May 2006, setting (in the main) site or allocation/designation specific policies and identifying the areas to which they apply
Stockport Core Strategy March 2011, setting the overall spatial strategy and vision for the borough, establishing the broad aims and objectives for the use of land
Greater Manchester Joint Waste Development Plan April 2012 identifying sites required to meet Greater Manchester's future waste management needs and development management policies to enable effective and appropriate development of those sites
Greater Manchester Joint Minerals Development Plan April 2013, showing how we're working with the other Greater Manchester Local Planning Authorities to meet their contribution to delivering the identified needs of the region for all minerals, within acceptable social, economic and environmental parameters
Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD) and Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) which are currently available to provide guidance on the implementation of the policies of the Local Plan. SPDs and SPGs are adopted by the council following public consultation. SPDs and SPGs are not part of the statutory Development Plan but are a material consideration in determining planning applications. We are currently establishing the best process to streamline and update its current suite of supplementary documents.
Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) which sets the standard and approach to involving stakeholders and the community in the preparation of all development plan documents and the determination of planning applications.