Council land and assets map

Search by street or postcode to find Stockport Council ownership or interest in Stockport.

You can use the map to search for council ownership or interest in land or buildings, follow the steps below:

  • type the address or street name or postcode into the Find Address box
  • then select the address from the list of addresses that appear
  • to find an address quickly type in the postcode/house number into the box
  • then click on the map categories you wish to view
  • click on the point on the asset to view information about the asset


Every effort is made to make sure that the information contained is updated on a regular basis but no guarantee is given as to its accuracy. The colour references indicate that we have an interest in the land but not the nature or extent of that interest nor does it verify that we are in possession.

All boundaries shown are general and not definitive. It's recommended that you take advice from our Legal Services department before acting on the information. Any interpretation or reliance which you place upon it will be strictly at your own risk.