You can use this form to request a replacement Stockport Council vehicle licence plate.
Before you request a replacement plate
If your taxi vehicle plate has been lost, you must report it as lost and get a loss report number. Visit the Report My Loss website to report your lost plate. You'll need to pay a fee of £5.95.
If your plate has been stolen, you must notify your local police department and get a crime reference number. You can report this online or by calling 101.
If your plate has been damaged, you must provide photographs showing the damage.
If you do not submit a valid reference number or proof of damage, your request will not be processed.
You cannot continue to operate your taxi vehicle until you receive your new plates.
Before you start
You'll need:
- the Stockport Council vehicle licence plate number
- the loss report number, if your plate has been lost
- the crime reference number, if your plate has been stolen
- photographs, if your plate has been damaged
The cost is £20 per replacement plate
You can pay with a credit or debit card. We do not accept American Express.
How we use your data
We primarily use your data for processing your request in accordance with our organisational privacy notice. We never sell your data to third parties or use it to market to you without your consent.