Report a serious accident, injury or death of a child in a childcare setting

Early Years providers must comply with the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). This includes 'notifying Ofsted and local child protection agencies of a serious accident, illness or injury to, or death of, any child while in their care', as stated on page 34, section 3.52.

You can use our online form to report:

  • a serious accident involving a child in a childcare setting
  • a serious injury to a child in a childcare setting
  • the death of a child in a childcare setting

You can find out how Ofsted define serious accidents and injuries on the GOV.UK website.

You do not need to report minor accidents or injuries but you must keep a record of these and inform parents or carers, as stated in the EYFS, page 34, section 3.51.

You must complete the online form as soon as possible after the incident. This must be within 14 days, in line with the requirements for notification to Ofsted.

You must also:

Before you start

You’ll need to tell us:

  • details about the incident
  • the child’s name
  • the child’s date of birth
  • the child’s primary address
  • the name of the child’s primary carer
  • information about any legal orders concerning the child

How we use your data

The council primarily use your data for processing of the form. All information is processed in accordance with our organisational privacy notice. We never sell your data to third parties or use it to market to you without your consent.