Order a recycling bin

You can use this form to order recycling bins if:

  • they're lost or have been stolen
  • they're damaged
  • you need more space

The cost for each bin is £25.

The cost for a full set of bins is £75.

If you need to order a full set of bins including a black bin, you can call 0161 217 6111.

If you need a black bin you can use our request a black bin online form.

If you have an external food caddy and a green bin, you can only put one of them out to be emptied. We will not collect both.

You can find out how to buy additional compostable food waste bags on our green bin and food waste caddies web page.

Before you start

You'll need your debit or credit card details.

You'll also need an email address.

How we use your data

The council primarily use your data for processing your request. All information is processed in accordance with our organisational privacy notice. We never sell your data to third parties or use it to market to you without your consent.