Do you recycle waste as much as possible?
To help you cut down on the waste you put in your black bin visit our recycling web pages to make sure you are making the most of your recycling bins. If you need more space to recycle, you can order more recycling bins using our online form.
You can also download a waste diary (PDF 17Kb) to help you keep track of the waste you throw away over a week. This will help you decide whether you need more space in your black bin or whether you may need more recycling bins.
You can use this form to request an additional or replacement black bin. You must be a Stockport resident and already have a black bin.
You can request an additional black bin if you:
- throw away disposable nappies
- throw away medical or healthcare waste
- have 6 or more people living in the house
The cost for a black bin is £25.
You can order a full set of bins by calling 0161 217 6111.
If you need recycling bins you can use our order recycling bins online form.
Before you start
You'll need your debit or credit card details.
You'll also need an email address.
How we use your data
The council primarily use your data for processing of the form. All information is processed in accordance with our organisational privacy notice. We never sell your data to third parties or use it to market to you without your consent.