Single Regeneration Budget (SRB) project - Market and Underbanks

A key initiative for the regeneration of the historic town centre which ran between 1997 and 2005 was the Single Regeneration Budget (SRB) project.

The historic town centre, for the purposes of SRB, was defined as an area which included the Market Underbanks conservation area and part of the Hillgate conservation area.

View the map showing the SRB boundary (PDF 457Kb).

The SRB funding was matched by funding from the council, English Heritage, the European Regional Development Fund and the Heritage Lottery Fund, Housing Corporation funding and private investment.

The strategic objectives of SRB were:

  1. to regenerate and improve the historic core of the town
  2. to provide a better range, quality and diversity of facilities
  3. to make the area safer, cleaner, accessible and more attractive by day and night
  4. to maximise the potential of the market
  5. to invest in business, enterprise, training and employment

The conservation team were responsible for delivering projects under objectives 1,2,3 and 4. Examples of these projects can be viewed in the SRB Facelifting Scheme (PDF 394Kb).

Shawcross Fold Millenium Project

The Shawcross Fold Millennium Project secured the repair and re-use of 9 listed buildings. One of the listed buildings, Staircase House, dates from 1460. The significant re-use of these buildings includes the town's local history museum and housing.

Bringing people back into the town centre to live is one of the key factors in achieving successful regeneration. We worked in partnership with housing associations from its Housing Partnership.

The Mealhouse Brow Project, for example, provided 28 new homes in the Market Place.

Other historic and listed buildings were repaired and restored with the Facelift Grant scheme, supported by the Security Grant scheme.

Highways and environmental improvements schemes were carried out. They set standards which attracted a Civic Trust Award on the White Lion area, Great Underbank and Bridge Street Brow. High quality natural stone materials were used, trees introduced and bespoke seats and railings made.

The schemes included not only improvements to traffic management and street surfaces, but also to lighting, signage and street furniture. Also new thematic public art works to reinforce the identity of the area.