As an eligible care leaver, you'll be allocated a Social Worker from our Children's Social Care team. Your Social Worker will be responsible for your case and the preparation of your Pathway Plan. You'll be supported by your Social Worker until you're 18 years old and become a former relevant care leaver.
When you're 16 years old you'll also be introduced to a named Personal Adviser from the Leaving Care Team who'll work alongside your Social Worker. They'll work together to support you in preparing for your transition to adult life. Your Personal Adviser will then take over as your key worker when you leave care when you're 18 years old and become a former relevant care leaver, or if you become a relevant care leaver before you're 18 years old.
If you're a looked after child, supported by our Children with Disability Team, your Social Worker will support your transition to Adult Services. At 16 years old the Leaving Care Team will give you a named Personal Adviser to work alongside your Social Worker. Your Personal Adviser will take over responsibility for the preparation of your Pathway Plan when you leave care at 18 years old, and become a former relevant care leaver, and will continue to work closely with Adult Services.