How much you'll receive
From 1 April 2017 the government made changes to the Small Business Rate Relief Scheme to help more small companies benefit from the relief.
If you meet the eligibility criteria you'll receive 100% Small Business Rate Relief for your main property up to a Rateable Value of £12,000. If you occupy one property and the Rateable Value is £12,000 or less your Business Rates bill will now be zero if you apply for Small Business Rate Relief.
If you occupy one property and the Rateable Value is between £12,001 and £15,000 then the amount of Small Business Rate you receive will be tapered from 100% to 0%.
To find out more about the approximate level of relief you'll receive, read our small business rate relief sliding scale.
Any eligible properties up to a Rateable Value of £50,999 will also have their Business Rates bill calculated on the small business non-domestic multiplier.
Businesses will be allowed to keep Small Business Rate Relief for 12 months, even if they have an additional property.
1 September 2010 to 31 March 2017
From 1 September 2010 changes were introduced by the government. Properties with a rateable value of up to £6,000 now receive 100% relief.
Relief for properties with a rateable value between £6,001 and £12,000 reduced by 1% for every £120, from 100% at £6,001 to 0% at £12,000.
To find out an approximate value for how much relief you may be entitled to in 2016/17, read the Special SBR Relief Sliding Scale (PDF 58Kb). In addition, eligible properties up to a Rateable Value of £17,999 will have their rate bill calculated on the small business non-domestic multiplier.