If you're over the age of 18 and you've had an illness, you're leaving hospital, or you've had a fall, you may need short-term support to help you regain your independence at home.
We can help you to:
- regain and build your confidence
- deal with day to day tasks like bathing, taking medication, making food and drink, using equipment
- feel safer in your own home
- integrate back into your normal life and your community
- relieve any stress you may be experiencing
- avoid being admitted back to hospital in the future
If you think you need short-term support
If you're living at home, speak to your social worker if you have one.
If you do not have a social worker, get in touch with our team at the contact centre.
If you're leaving hospital one of our health and social care professionals will visit you.
We'll talk to you, and any family members or carers, to find out how much help you may need to start living independently, safe and well again at home. You'll be able to talk to us about the things you're struggling with and the care and support needs that you may have.
After your short-term support ends
If you still have care and support needs after your short-term support ends, we'll carry out an assessment of your needs. If your assessment shows you have eligible long-term care and support needs, we’ll help you plan the support you need.
We're registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC). Visit the CQC website to view our latest CQC inspection report and rating.