Pay a Fixed Penalty Notice

If you have been issued with a penalty charge notice (parking fine) you must use the PCN payment page.

We issue fixed penalty notices (FPNs) to deal with environmental offences like:

  • littering
  • fly tipping
  • dog control offences
  • graffiti
  • fly posting
  • nuisance parking (people selling or repairing cars on the road)
  • abandoned vehicles
  • leafleting without permission on land where leafleting is restricted (‘designated land’)

With our online payments service you can pay with your debit or credit card.

Payment details

Do not use this form to pay for a parking fine (Penalty Charge Notice: PCN).
Enter the 4 or 5 digit Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN) reference number shown on the top right hand corner of the Fixed Penalty Notice.

Enter a sterling value below
