Woodley to Bredbury Park Way walking and cycling improvements

Construction works for the Woodley to Bredbury Park Way Walking and Cycling Improvements scheme will begin from 6 January 2025 and will take around 6 months to complete.


The Woodley to Bredbury Walking and Cycling Improvements will be paid for by the government’s City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement (CRSTS) fund. This is a national investment fund for local transport networks and aims to improve access for local businesses and organisations and help residents get to amenities in their communities.

The scheme includes the following walking and cycling improvements:

  • resurfacing and lighting of the public right of way between the recreation ground and Rodney Drive, widening the path to 3 metres to accommodate pedestrians and cyclists

  • resurfacing and lighting the footpath between Rodney Drive and the A560

  • addition of lighting to the public footpath link from Horsfield Way

  • a new opening in the fence on Rodney Drive, to enable pedestrians and cyclists to directly access the public right of way, with Rodney Drive to become a cycling quiet street

  • amendments at the Mill Lane, Rodney Drive and Mill Street junction to improve the general layout and make it more pedestrian-friendly, plus the closure of Mill Street to general traffic at its A560 junction (with pedestrian and cycle access maintained). Tree planting and benches to be provided at the junction

  • improved walking and cycling facilities near and around Woodley Precinct, including upgrades to the current crossing of the A560 near to the precinct to convert it into a toucan crossing

  • cycle parking to be provided outside Woodley Civic Hall

The scheme was subject to public consultation between 30 September and 23 October 2022. The consultation identified broad support for the planned approach. The outcomes from the consultation have informed the scheme now being progressed. The scheme was approved at Werneth Area Committee in November 2022.

Following approval of the full business case, funding for the construction of the scheme is now in place.

Construction Works

The construction works will be carried out in phases starting on 6 January, with working hours being weekdays, 7:30am to 4:30pm.

The initial activity on site will be the set up of a temporary compound area in the Woodley Recreation Ground off Mill Lane, and the installation of a temporary haul route from Mill Lane to the public right of way that is to be improved. The haul route has been designed so that the pedestrian route from Mill Lane to the path to Bredbury Park Way is kept open during the works.

The football pitch will remain available for use during the works. The site compound and temporary haul route will be removed and the areas affected reinstated following the completion of the works. A site compound will also be located on Mill Street where it is to be closed to traffic at the Hyde Road junction.

The works are planned to be phased as follows:

  1. January to February 2025: Recreation ground path from Mill Lane to the railway bridge

  2. February to March 2025: Recreation ground path from the railway bridge to Rodney Drive and the opening of Rodney Drive to access the public right of way

  3. March to April 2025: Recreation ground path from Rodney Drive to Stockport Road East

  4. February to March 2025: Path from Copage Drive to Hyde Road

  5. March to April 2025: Hyde Road and Woodley Precinct path

  6. January to February 2025: Mill Street and Rodney Drive junction

  7. March to May 2025: Hyde Road and Mill Street junction

The works have been planned to minimise disruption, and signed pedestrian diversion routes will be in place when required

Contact Us

If you have any questions about the works, you can contact the team by:

Please be aware that works are weather dependent and require the coordination of a number of different parties, so the timescales detailed above may be subject to change. We'll make sure that anyone affected is kept informed about the works as they progress.