Referral by a member of the public
You can make a referral to enquire about equipment or home adaptations for yourself or for someone else.
Once we've received your enquiry we'll contact you to arrange an assessment.
To make a referral complete the online form below:
Make a referral about equipment and adaptations
Your assessment
Your assessment may be completed on the phone or we can arrange a home visit if we need to see how you're managing in your own home. We'll also talk about how you're coping with daily living activities.
The level of your assessment will be dependant on the things you're struggling with and any risks.
Once your needs have been identified, you may receive any of the following:
- information and advice on:
- how you can increase your independence
- wellbeing
- how to prevent any worsening of your abilities
- simple equipment and minor adaptations
- specialist equipment and major adaptations
- information and advice about other services and how you can contact them
- independence training, advice, information, and emotional support from our Rehabilitation Officers for visual impairment
- specialist equipment for hearing loss, sight loss, or dual sensory loss
- support with sight loss registration and entitlements if you've received a certificate of visual impairment
Professional request for equipment, adaptations or sensory loss rehabilitation
If you're a professional and you need to request equipment, adaptations or sensory loss rehabilitation you must complete the online form.
If your referral is urgent, or you need to report the breakdown of equipment, call 0161 217 6029.
Request equipment, adaptations or sensory loss rehabilitation - professionals only