Purchase order numbers
Our main e-procurement system, PECOS, produces purchase order numbers in the format ‘ZXXnnnnnn’ where ‘X’ is a letter and ‘n’ is a number e.g. ZSU123456. Most purchase order numbers will look like this. However, in some instances you'll be given an 11 digit reference in the format nnnnn/nnnnnn.
There are other ordering systems used by us and the format of the order reference number may vary from the above examples. However, as a rule, each order must be accompanied by a purchase order number supplied by our staff.
If our staff request goods or services from you without providing you with a purchase order number, please refer them to this policy. Do not accept the order until a purchase order number is provided.
If you have a question about an invoice or about the no purchase order, no payment policy, please contact cit@stockport.gov.uk