To assist with the processing of your invoice for payment, your invoice should contain:
- your company name and address
- your VAT registration number (if applicable)
- invoice number
- invoice date
- valid purchase order number
- customer’s name – this must be Stockport Council
- name of the service area requesting goods/services (buyer on our purchase order) or council contact person (order contact on our purchase order).
- full description of the goods/services supplied
- for each line item: quantity, description, unit price, net value, VAT rate, VAT value, line total
- invoice totals: Net, VAT, Gross
- where goods/services are not vatable this should be shown clearly
To make sure invoices are processed and paid in a timely manner, they should be emailed to quoting a valid purchase order number.
Failure to do this may result in delays in processing your invoice and making payment to you.