Public rights of way map

Use the address search to enter the location (by postcode) that you're interested in, zoom in and out and move around the map manually, or, if you are viewing the map on a mobile device, you can find your current location by clicking "show me where I am".

Select the right of way you're interested in, for example to find out more information such as PROW number and type, footpath, bridleway; and add or remove map layers or switch base map type by using the controls at the top right.

If you're out exploring the rights of way network and need to report a problem with one of the public rights of way in Stockport, please access the map from your phone:

  1. Use the "show me where I am" feature to help you locate the right of way you're on
  2. Click on it to find out its unique reference number (PROW number). Quoting this reference when you get in touch with us will make it easier for us to find and fix the issue.

To make an appointment to view the Definitive Map, email