The Making It Real in Stockport board

Stockport's co-production board for adult social care.

The text 'making it real' with colourful shapes above it, which include a question mark, a tick, a flower and jigsaw pieces.

Making It Real in Stockport is a board of practitioners and people with lived experience of the care system that meets to give feedback and share ideas about developments in adult social care.

It is there to makes sure that local authorities are working with people who use services to design, influence and make decisions about services.

It recognises that people want a life, not just a service and that conversations with people should be based on what matters most to them. Support must be built up around a person's strengths, their own networks of support and greater use made of resources available in the local community, that support a gloriously ordinary life.

We want the people who use adult social care services to work with us so that those that with lived experience are heard, valued, and can inform, question, and challenge our developments and practice.

If you live in Stockport, and receive or care for someone who receives support from adult social care, and are passionate about making a difference for the people of Stockport, get in touch and get involved.

Email to register your interest in joining the Making It Real in Stockport board.