Michael Cullen

Chief Executive, Stockport Council

Michael Cullen looking at the camera. He's wearing a grey suit jacket with a blue shirt underneath.

At Stockport Council, we focus on building a Stockport that everyone is proud to call home. Our vision is for an ambitious council that creates opportunities for everyone who lives, works, and spends time in the borough.

We’ve recently been named the ‘best place to live in the North West’ by the Sunday Times, and we’re determined to go even further with ambitious plans for the next 10 years to make Stockport the best place in the country to live happy and healthy lives for all of our residents and businesses.

Working in partnership is at the heart of what we do. Whatever your role, you’ll find yourself working with our partners across the community and across teams within the council.

I am proud to say we have a team that lives and breathes over values, putting people at the heart of what we do. We are also ambitious for our borough and as a council, and our focus on development means regular reviews to help you boost your career and reach your goals. I’m fortunate to have been part of Team Stockport for nearly 18 years, and I know first-hand how much our colleagues want to make a difference to the lives of everyone connected to our borough.

We look forward to you joining Team Stockport and playing your part in building a strong, vibrant Stockport.

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