Channel: support for people at risk of radicalisation

Channel is part of the national Prevent strategy.

It's a multi-agency partnership which identifies and supports individuals who are at risk of being drawn into terrorism.

We work closely with a wide range of partners who make up the One Stockport Safety Partnership. This includes:

  • education services, social services and youth services
  • other local authorities
  • the police
  • the local community

We use a range of measures to challenge extremism. We:

  • identify individuals at risk of radicalisation or involvement in terrorism
  • assess the nature and extent of that risk
  • provide support to individuals at risk of being drawn into terrorism
  • work with and supporting community groups and social enterprise projects who provide services and support to vulnerable people
  • work with faith groups and institutions to assist them in providing support and guidance to people who may be vulnerable
  • support local schools, local industry and partner agencies through engagement, advice and training

Participation in Channel is voluntary, but the person at risk must give their consent. It's up to an individual, or their parents for children aged 17 and under, to decide whether to take up the support it offers. Channel does not lead to a criminal record.

Make a referral

Where a concern about an individual has been identified, partner agencies can discuss a concern or make a referral to the Channel panel by completing the referral form on the Prevent referral document page.

Once you've completed the form, email the form to both email addresses below:

If the issue is urgent, call 999 and alert the police.