About Prevent

Prevent is part of the government’s counter-terrorism strategy.

It aims to:

  • to reduce the risk to the UK, its citizens, and interests overseas, from terrorism
  • to safeguard and support vulnerable people to stop them from becoming terrorists or supporting them
  • tackle the significant threat posed by international terrorism and those in the UK who are inspired by it

Prevent has 3 main approaches:

  1. Tackle the ideological causes of terrorism and protect vulnerable individuals from being drawn into terrorism
  2. Intervene early to support people susceptible to radicalisation
  3. Enable people who have already engaged in terrorism to disengage and rehabilitate

It's also concerned with reducing threats, risks and vulnerabilities posed by domestic extremists. For example, from:

  • the far right and far left
  • extreme animal rights activists
  • those involved in Northern Ireland related terrorism

For more information, you can visit: