The Start Well Portage team work with pre-school children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) and their families. Portage workers play a part in minimising the barriers which may confront families who have children with SEND. Portage supports the national and local development of inclusive services for all children.
Portage encourages full participation in day-to-day life within the family and beyond the home. The Portage worker will work alongside parents/carers offering support with practical help and ideas to:
- make learning fun for all the family
- encourage your child’s interests
- promote development
- work closely with other professionals involved with your child
- support transitions into early education settings
Stockport Portage offers:
- home visits
- inclusive opportunity groups (stay and play sessions) offering a variety of experiences for families to share together. Opportunity groups are held at various sites across Stockport
- support for families to access any relevant benefits they may be eligible for
- support for families to access early education funded places
- support with transition into early years education
- support in relation to SEND pathways
Each child’s offer will be different depending on their individual needs.
Children considered for referral
Your child may be considered for Portage referral if they:
- live in Stockport
- are showing differences in their development
- are under 3 years of age
- are not attending an early year’s setting or childminders
Children who are attending an early year’s setting/childminder will be supported by their Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) and Team around the Early Years (TAEY). Please ask your childcare provider for more information.
If you’re worried about your child’s development
Contact your local start well team to discuss your concerns. This could be your:
- health visitor
- early year’s worker
or - childcare provider
All referrals to Portage are made by a member of the Start Well team using a developmental needs referral form, which is discussed at the Child Development Unit’s (CDU) monthly allocation meeting. A decision will be made about which service will best support your child, including Portage.
Once the referral is accepted a member of the Portage team will contact you within 6 weeks to discuss the referral and next steps.
Reviews and end of Portage support
Your child’s Portage intervention will be reviewed on a regular basis. Support from the team will end when:
- you request a temporary or permanent end to the visits
- your child starts their full early years education entitlement
- it is the term after your child’s third birthday
- developmental progress made by your child means that they no longer need the support of the Portage service
For more information about Portage visit the National Portage Association website.