We'll prepare a pathway plan for all eligible, relevant and former relevant young people.
Your pathway plan:
- will replace your care plan from the age of 16 years old
- is about your needs and what we all need to do to make sure your successful transition to adult life
For your pathway plan to be effective it will be based on an up to date needs assessment. This will set out the support that will be offered to you to achieve your aspirations. We aim to fully involve you in the development of your pathway plan. You'll be offered support by your Social Worker / Personal Adviser to express your wishes and views for your pathway plan review meeting.
With your agreement, we'll seek the views of our partner agencies when completing your pathway plan to make sure we all work together to provide you with clear and consistent advice and support. This may include:
- housing
- education
- training and employment providers
- benefits
- health services
- youth offending service
Some of the areas covered in your plan include:
- education, training and employment
- emotions and behaviour
- accommodation
- family and social relationships: including contact with your brothers, sisters and family that are important to you
- finance
- health and social care skills
- identity
Your initial pathway plan will be completed around your 16th birthday. If you're over 16 years old when first accommodated, then this will be within 3 months of the date of you being accommodated.
Your pathway plan will then be updated and reviewed at least every 6 months or within 28 working days of any significant change to your plan. For example; change of address, if you request a review meeting. Your pathway plan will be written and available at your review meeting, chaired by your Independent Reviewing Officer (IRO). A review must take place before making a decision to confirm that you're ready to leave care.