The Climate Action Now plan

Climate Action Now (CAN) plan covers 6 key areas:

  • Stockport Council CAN, incorporating financial appraisal
  • renewable energy
  • low carbon buildings
  • sustainable transport
  • natural environment
  • climate-friendly borough

Creating a climate-friendly borough plays a vital role in our CAN plan. A core part of each of our key areas is partnering with:

  • businesses
  • schools
  • organisations
  • communities
  • residents

Find you how you can get involved with climate action.

Under the CAN plan, we'll:

  • reduce our own carbon footprint, achieving net zero by 2030 for council operations
  • reduce the level of greenhouse gas emissions from buildings and infrastructure
  • promote and enable cycling, walking and the use of public transport
  • promote a less wasteful, low carbon economy
  • increase renewable energy supply across the borough
  • use our role as a local authority to make climate action possible
  • help businesses, organisations, communities and residents reduce their own carbon footprints
  • work to reduce flooding, loss of biodiversity and other impacts of climate change

You can download the CAN plan from the CAN documents page.

Find out more about how CAN is being put into practice in these plans:

You can find out what we’ve done to tackle climate change since the CAN plan was published in 2020.