Training and online courses

If you live or work with an autistic person, we can provide training. These courses are free and are available to anyone who lives or works in Stockport.

You can book on a face-to-face course or an e-learning course:

  • Dysphagia training
  • Mental Capacity Act training
  • Safeguarding vulnerable adults from abuse (Alerter Training)
  • Safeguarding adults referrers training
  • Safeguarding adults initial 2 day inquiry officer
  • Safeguarding adults inquiry officer refresher
  • Self-neglect and hoarding training
  • Sensory loss awareness

For instructions on how to register for these courses, visit our adult social care training pages.

Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS)

We have 2 e-learning courses for staff who provide health and social care to people in Stockport. They provide a basic introduction to the Mental Capacity Act and the DoLS.

The courses use a combination of text, photo images, quizzes and case studies. It takes around 1.5 to 2 hours to complete an e-learning unit.

The courses are provided by Kwango. Register on Learning Pool.

Visit our Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards page to find more information about DoLS.

Suicide Prevention

Stockport Suicide Prevention provide a half day suicide prevention course for anyone working or volunteering in Stockport. To book a place contact

They can also support anyone affected by suicide.

British Psychological Society (BPS)

The BPS has developed 3 autism courses which are available for anyone with a personal or professional interest in learning more about autism. You can find out more about the courses on the BPS website.