Arrangements for placement of children - Care Planning, Placement and Case Review (England) Regulations 2010 (2014 amendments).
Local authorities
Where a looked after child is placed, moves or is discharged from placement by a local authority in the area of another local authority, notification must be made by the placing authority to the local authority's Children's Social Care Services where the child's placement is located.
If there's a particular risk associated with the child we'll inform the:
- relevant Education Service
- relevant Health Trust in Stockport
- police
We maintain a register of looked after children for whom we have responsibility and all looked after children placed in our area. This includes children who are the responsibility of another local authority as per the above statutory regulations.
Children's Homes
The Manager of a Children’s Home must notify their host local authority (if different from the placing authority) of the admission and/or discharge from the Home of any child.
Under Section 85 and 86 of the Children Act 1989, there's a requirement that residential or hospital settings must notify the local authority where the child is a resident or has been for 3 months or more.
There's an obligation for a suitably qualified and experienced social worker to visit the child. This is not only to make sure that the young person’s well-being is promoted and safeguarded but to also provide an additional support back to their community.
As the host authority, we should also be informed. In these circumstances we'll also reinforce the requirement for the placing Authority to carry out its duties. Please see the Contact Us section to send information to the Stockport Children Social Care Duty Manager at the Multi Agency Safeguarding and Support Hub.
Services available for Looked after Children placed in Stockport
This letter sets out the services available for Looked After Children placed in Stockport. It includes information about:
- accessing local universal services
- specialist services
If you need more information email child.commissioning@stockport.gov.uk
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