Last updated 27 February 2024
Stockport Rising Exhibition Showcases Town of Culture Artists
In celebration of the flourishing cultural landscape in Stockport, the Stockport Rising Exhibition is now open at Stockport’s War Memorial Art Gallery.
L-R David Chandler, Jackie Wagg, Eric Jackson, Cllr Mark Hunter, Leader of Stockport Council, Kate O'Brien, and Lucy Burgess
The event, coinciding with the conclusion of Stockport’s Greater Manchester Town of Culture year, will run until Sunday, 31 March.
The exhibition, curated by renowned artist and former journalist Eric Jackson, showcases the works of five esteemed professional artists residing in Stockport: Lucy Burgess, Eric Jackson, Kate O’Brien, Jackie Wagg, and David Chandler. Their art, capturing the essence of Stockport, will be on display, reflecting the town's economic, cultural, and physical ascent through its ambitious regeneration scheme.
Leader of Stockport Council, Councillor Mark Hunter and the Mayor and Mayoress of Stockport, Councillor Graham Greenhalgh and Mrs Carol Greenhalgh attended the opening of the exhibition on Friday 23 February where they had the opportunity to engage with the artists themselves, discussing the inspiration behind their works and the significance of art in Stockport.
The artists featured in the exhibition have left an indelible mark on Stockport, with their works displayed not only in public spaces but also in the homes of many Stockport residents, with each artist bringing a unique perspective to the town's landscapes and heritage through their art.
The exhibition promises to be a visual treat for attendees, offering a glimpse into the town's beauty as depicted by these accomplished artists, and is an opportunity for the community to engage with the local art scene and appreciate the talent that Stockport has to offer.