Last updated 22 December 2023
Opening Doors to Fostering across Greater Manchester
Stockport Council’s fostering team joins UK wide campaign to recruit more foster carers during the run up to Christmas
Stockport Council, along with councils across the North West, is responding to recent figures published by Ofsted, highlighting the urgent need to recruit new foster carers.
The annual Fostering in England statistics brings to light the pressures currently facing foster care where the numbers of carers are continuing to decline against a backdrop of record numbers of children in need of fostering families.
The figures show a downward trend in the number of foster carer applications over the last five years. The number of applications received from prospective fostering households in 2022 to 2023 was the lowest number in several years and 18% lower than 2018 to 2019.
To highlight the urgent need and to celebrate our local foster carers and care leavers, Stockport Council, along with four Greater Manchester councils, has joined up with 20 more local authorities across the UK to create the ‘Opening Doors to Fostering’ campaign - an online advent-style campaign highlighting how foster carers celebrate the festive season to make it extra-special for the children and young people they care for.
During December the Council’s fostering service has been shining the spotlight on foster carers and children in care and how they celebrate the festive period in their homes and communities. The Opening Doors campaign runs throughout December and is sharing with local communities why people should consider fostering with their local council, and the impact it can make to children and young people who are in need of a safe and secured place to live.
Councillor Wendy Meikle, Cabinet Member for Children, Families & Education said: “This time of the year can be an especially difficult time for looked after children who are distant from the people and places they know.
The campaign will showcase the positive impact carers can make in children’s lives, creating memories which can be cherished forever. We hope the campaign will encourage more people to put themselves forward for this rewarding role.”
You can see the full Opening Doors to Fostering Campaign on:
If you feel you could foster in 2024, then please visit the council’s website or attend one of our monthly fostering information sessions. Our next information session is taking place on Wednesday 10 January at Stockport Town Hall starting at 6pm.
Find out more here or contact the fostering recruitment team on 0161 474 3400.