One Stockport Local approach to ageing well

Stockport Council is working hard to become an age-friendly borough.

One Stockport Local approach to ageing well

Pictured above: Adult social care staff demonstrate assistive equipment at Disability Stockport

We're introducing new initiatives promoting our population's health and wellbeing and supporting people to live independently in their homes for as long as possible.

It's part of One Stockport Local, our neighbourhoods and prevention approach dedicated to delivering help and support at a community level, making it easier for people to help themselves, their families, and those they care for.

We are working with our One Stockport Local partners to promote early help and prevention services for adults. We've introduced the One Stockport Local directory – a comprehensive resource that serves as a one-stop shop for early help and prevention services for adults and families, health and wellbeing, financial support, and much more. This directory is designed to make it easier for you to access the services you need when you need them.

Cllr Keith Holloway, Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Social Care, says: "We want Stockport to be one of the best places to grow older. Where people can live happy, healthy, and independent lives. By working closely with our health, care, and community partners and embracing new technology, we're helping people manage their health and stay connected to the places and people that matter to them.

"One Stockport Local is all about bringing support and advice right into our neighbourhoods, so help is always close by when it's needed."

We're bringing in One Stockport Local appointments in libraries, and opportunities to try out sensory aids in community spaces. These local appointments are designed to offer a quicker way to get adult health and care support. They provide a great opportunity to leave your home, connect more with your communities, and learn about the services and support available to you.

Heather, who attended a community appointment, commented: "After the meeting I felt invigorated, empowered and positive about my future. The team explained a number of support options that were available to me and put together a robust plan of action moving forward. The team delivered every support outcome they discussed with me promptly which further reinforced my feelings of trust in the integrity and professionalism of their service. I also feel comforted that I can access their services with ease if ever I need any more support."

We're committed to increasing access to digital and technology-enabled care to support our residents in living well and independently in their own homes for as long as possible. As part of this, we've introduced a Virtual House on our website. This interactive tool allows you to 'walk' through a home full of useful gadgets and adaptations, inspecting assistive technology, sensory aids and occupational therapy equipment, as you go. It's a great way to explore the potential of these tools and see how they could enhance your daily life.

The Stockport Age-Friendly Partnership is currently developing a new Action Plan. The plan aims to make Stockport a place where people can age happily with equality, respect, and independence, where you have a voice in the shaping of the place you live in and are economically, physically, and socially active. Everyone, young and old, is encouraged to give us your views by 15th December.

For information about the range of social care services available for adults in Stockport, visit our Support for adults web pages.