Marple Leisure and Community Hub Update, March 2022

Stockport Council has engaged architects to progress the latest round of detailed design work.

Stockport Council has engaged architects to progress the latest round of detailed design work in relation to two options for the proposed Marple Leisure and Community Hub with a view to bringing forward a final scheme for decision and further engagement in Summer 2022. This builds on outline design work that has already been undertaken, the engagement which took place during 2020/21 and the feedback received on the Council’s Levelling Up Fund bid in October 2021.

The first option under development is a scheme which incorporates a range of leisure, community and health provision and is based on the preferred scheme identified through the two phases or engagement work undertaken. It is anticipated that such a scheme could only be progressed with a significant proportion of external funding, but we feel that it is important that we have a workable scheme ready, should suitable funding opportunities arise in the near future.

In the event that the Council is not able to take advantage of external funding opportunities in the near future, a ‘core scheme’ is also under development. Such a scheme would provide a replacement leisure facility (including pool, gym and studio facilities) and a replacement library with some flexible community space.

The preferred site is still in the vicinity of the current library building, though taking into account woodland areas, heritage constraints within the park and the proximity to residential properties.

The Council will be bringing forward proposals regarding the site of the former pool in due course.