Local Plan development: next steps

Stockport Council is asking residents, landowners, developers and other key stakeholders to highlight land in Stockport, that could be protected or developed for a particular use.

Local Plan development: next steps

The ‘call for sites’ request forms a key part in developing our Local Plan, a document that guides decisions on future development proposals and addresses the needs and opportunities of our area.

The council is encouraging people and businesses to let them know about possible sites across the borough, this could include:

  • sites that could be protected – for example, an area of open space that you think should be protected for recreational use, or a business site that you think should be protected to provide local jobs; or
  • sites that could be promoted for a use that is different from the current use, for example, a site that you think should be developed for housing, business, leisure or another use.

View full details and information on how to put forward land or sites.

If you are unable to complete the online form, please email local.plan@stockport.gov.uk; or write to the address below for a paper copy:

Planning Policy Team
Services to Place
Stopford House

The closing date for submissions is Sunday 2 February 2025.

Please be aware that if a site is put forward, it does not mean it will be allocated for that use. Submitting details of a particular site is not the same as submitting a planning application. An assessment of all sites and submitted information will be carried out and the public consultation on the Local Plan will invite comments on the preferred proposals.