Last updated 3 July 2023
In Memory of Lord Bob Kerslake, Chair of the Stockport Mayoral Development Corporation Board
It is with deepest sadness the Council have learnt of the passing of the Chair of Stockport Mayoral Development Corporation (MDC) Board, Lord Bob Kerslake, after a short illness.

His dedication, commitment, and compassion throughout his life in public service made him the ideal Chair for the fledging MDC which he joined as Chair in January 2020.
He brought to the Board drive and direction, a focus on what really mattered in delivering the transformational regeneration of Town Centre West and an ability to steer a course which was inclusive, collaborative, and brought the best out of those around him.
He cared about Stockport as a place and wanted to ensure that his work with the MDC capitalised on the wider benefits it could deliver for current and future residents.
He was thoughtful, kind, brilliant and humble in equal measures and Stockport has lost a true friend and ally but we are more grateful than we can ever say for everything he has begun.
Building consensus and cross-party working, which have been key to the MDC success, will be part of Bob’s many lasting legacies.
Cllr Mark Hunter, Leader of Stockport Council said: "Bob Kerslake has made an immense contribution to public life in both central and local government over many years.
"His vision, energy, and commitment were legendary.
"He was kind, astute and always measured and thoughtful in his approach.
"Here in Stockport, his chairing of our Mayoral Development Corporation was exemplary.
"With a contacts book second to none, Bob was a high profile and powerful ambassador for the transformation of our town centre and our ambitious regeneration programme.
"Scrupulously fair, objective and always far-sighted, he made a massive difference and leaves a lasting legacy for us all.
"We will miss him terribly."
Our thoughts are with his family at this extremely difficult time.