Last updated 7 July 2022
Free holiday activities open to eligible Stockport children this summer
A summer of fun is on the horizon for Stockport children as the free food and activities programme returns for the holidays.
A summer of fun is on the horizon for Stockport children as the free food and activities programme returns for the holidays.
Stockport children in receipt of income-based free school meals are once again eligible to access free Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) clubs during the upcoming summer holidays. The clubs will offer a range of fun activities such as art and crafts, sports and games as well as provide a nutritious meal each day.
School holidays can be a difficult time for families, with increased costs including food and childcare. The free clubs will ensure no child misses out on an exciting, happy and healthy summer holiday.
The clubs, made possible by the Holiday Activities and Food programme from the Department for Education, ensure children eat healthily and supply a summer of fun activities so they are not left socially isolated.
Families with children eligible for free places on the HAF clubs programme should receive a personalised letter in the coming weeks inviting them to book a place.
To see what clubs are on in your area of Stockport and apply for a place, visit the Stockport council website.
Councillor Wendy Meikle, Cabinet Member for Children, Families and Education at Stockport Council, commented: “The summer holidays are right around the corner and we’re keen to make this an incredibly fun summer break for our children and young people. There are some fantastic events and activities taking place throughout the break, so if you’re looking for ideas to ensure your children have their best summer yet, please book your place.”
“We recognise that this is an extremely difficult time for some families, as the cost of food and fuel continues to rise. That’s why we’re committed to continuing to support Stockport’s children, by offering free childcare places via the HAF programme. If you’re not in receipt of income-based free school meals, but still looking for affordable childcare this summer, do check out the fantastic range of providers available who offer clubs for all children for a small fee.”
The HAF programme will run alongside the holiday support vouchers scheme this school holidays, to offer families of children on income-based free school meals a package of support over the summer break.
To find out more about the programme, visit