Last updated 5 November 2024
All eligible Stockport residents urged to ‘Get Winter Strong’
This Autumn, NHS Greater Manchester (GM) is urging every eligible person to get ‘Get Winter Strong’ by getting vaccinated as soon as possible.

To protect our most vulnerable and limit the pressure on our NHS services.
Councillor Keith Holloway, Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Social Care, said: " We want our communities to be warm and well this winter. Vaccines are free on the NHS to those who need them, and they give the most effective protection against common winter viruses that can cause serious illness for those at higher risk.
If you’re eligible don’t put it off, make your appointment today.”
This year’s vaccination programme is now underway, those eligible for the free flu vaccine include:
• All children aged 2 or 3 years
• primary school and secondary school aged children
• people aged 65 years and over
• people aged 18 to under 65 that are in a clinical risk group
• people living in a care home,
• carers for an older or disabled person or those that receive carer’s allowance
• those who live with someone with a weakened immune system.
If you're eligible for an NHS flu vaccine, you can get your vaccine from your GP surgery or a pharmacy that offers NHS flu vaccination (if you're aged 18 or over). You can book a pharmacy appointment online.
Some people may be able to get the vaccine through their maternity service or care home. If you are a health and social care worker, you can get the flu vaccine through your employer.
Adults aged over 65 with long term health conditions and pregnant people are all encouraged to get vaccinated against COVID as well. To book a COVID vaccine appointment call 119 (ask for a translator if needed) or book a COVID vaccination online. For those who need it, a BSL service is available. This year there is the option of booking a combined appointment to have both vaccines at the same time. To find a walk-in COVID vaccine clinic, you can
- visit the Greater Manchester Integrated Care Partnership website to find a walk-in COVID vaccination clinic
- call 0161 947 0770 or 0800 092 4020
The RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) vaccine is new for this year. This virus causes coughs and colds and can be dangerous for older people and young babies. That’s why this vaccine is recommended for adults aged 75 to 79, plus pregnant people (from 28 weeks) to protect the baby for the first few months of its life. GP practices and maternity services are providing the RSV vaccine.
For more information on staying healthy visit Healthy Stockport.