The ultimate goal is for children in care to return to their own families, but this isn’t always possible. Long term fostering allows children and young people to stay with a foster carer for a longer period of time, allowing them to feel safe and secure. Where possible, children and young people in long term foster care maintain contact with their birth family.
Long term placements are carefully planned and we tell carers everything that we know about the child. It’s important that the child and carer are a good match so we consider this when arranging placements. The child and carer will be introduced before the placement starts and will be monitored throughout the process.
Fostering teenage siblings long-term
Peter and Vivian's story
What you can offer
Long term fostering requires a high level of commitment as the child will usually remain in care for a number of years or until they reach adulthood. Remaining with the same foster carer allows children and young people to feel more secure and part of a family.
Find out more about the general criteria that must be met to become a foster carer.
Support and training
Long term foster carers will receive the same support and training offered to all foster carers. Due to the level of commitment required, we take time and care to prepare foster carers for long term placements.
Payments and allowances
Depending on the age of the child, you could earn up to £431.58 per week. You’ll also receive additional payments for holidays, birthdays and festivals.
Contact us
If you're interested in fostering, contact the fostering team for more information and advice.