About local land charges searches

A local land charges search provides information relating to a property or area of land. The search results will provide all relevant information from us relating to the particular property or area of land.

A local land charges search is often required when you purchase a property.

The basic search is made up of two parts:

LLC1 (Official Certificate of Search form)

This includes any charges or restrictions listed in the Local Land Charges Register. For example, if there are any financial charges, tree preservation orders, listed buildings or the land sits within a conservation area.

CON29 (Enquiries of Local Authorities form)

This is a series of standard questions that gives information that could affect your property, such as:

  • public highways
  • public rights of way
  • planning decision notices
  • breaches of planning conditions
  • radon gas
  • building regulations

You can also request optional enquiries on the CON29 form. These questions may include:

  • road proposals by private bodies
  • parks and countryside
  • urban development areas
  • common land and town or village greens
  • flood defence and land drainage consents

Guidance on buying and selling your home

GOV.UK has provided advice and guidance on how to buy a home and how to sell a home