It’s well known that missing school for any reason can cause a child to fall behind in their learning. Sometimes children also find it difficult to settle back into school after a break.
In the longer term, evidence shows that reduced levels of attendance are likely to affect the progress of any child, whatever their needs or ability, and can also result in lower levels of qualifications being achieved. You can visit GOV.UK for more information about the link between absence and attainment.
We're committed to raising the levels of achievement for all children and young people, and making sure that all children get the maximum benefit from their time at school.
For these reasons, we strongly encourage you to take holidays (or any trips away from home) during school holidays, rather than during term time.
As schools are closed for 13 weeks a year, it should not normally be necessary for children to miss school for these reasons. Leave of absence for any reason should only be requested in exceptional circumstances.