Health care team
Health care team
We can give advice on some of your health care needs if you're registered with a GP in Stockport. In our team we have:
- Psychologists
- Speech and Language Therapists
- Psychiatrists, via GP referral
- Physiotherapists
- Learning Disability Nurses
We can help you with things like talking to your doctors and getting out and about.
Health Resources
GP annual health check
If you're over 14 and have a learning disability, you're entitled to a free health check with your GP, where they'll:
- review your medication
- ask questions about your health
- take your blood pressure
- weigh you and measure your height
- check your ears for wax
- make sure you’re up to date with cancer screening
- ask for blood or wee samples
You can talk to the receptionist or Learning Disability Care Co-ordinator at your GP practice to make sure that you're on their learning disability register. They can help with any reasonable adjustments that you need to be able to use their services.
Vaccinations, cancer screening
You can find more information about vaccinations, cancer screening and protecting your health, on the Healthy Stockport website.
Health action plan and hospital passport
It’s useful for people with learning disabilities to have a health action plan and hospital passport. They help to to make sure that health appointments are kept up to date and that hospital staff are informed of your needs. If you'd like one, call us on 0161 217 6029.
The NHS website has more information on support if you're going to hospital.