Stockport Moving Together
Here in Stockport, we want to make sure people, communities, and organisations, from every sector and place across the area are Moving Together.
Introducing Stockport Moving Together
Events to help you move more
Healthy Stockport
Find out how to stay activeGirls' football in Stockport: be inspired
Did you know?
Children aged 5 to 18 should aim to be active for one hour each day
Physical activity has a huge potential to enhance wellbeing, even short burst of 10 minutes brisk walking increases mental alertness, energy, and positive mood
Women are not as active as men, this is called a gender inactivity gap. Stockport has the highest gender inactivity gap in Greater Manchester at 6.6%.
In Stockport 200 deaths per year could be saved if every adult did 5 × 30 minutes of activity per week