About the Stockport Local Plan

The Local Plan will guide decisions about new development up until 2041. It will help us make the best decisions for the future of Stockport.

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About the Stockport Local Plan

Preparing our plan

Find information about the different steps that are required to prepare our plan.

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Preparing our plan

Our key principles

Find information about the key principles that our plan will follow.

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Our key principles

Call for sites

We're asking residents, landowners, developers and other key stakeholders to highlight land in Stockport, that could be protected or developed for a particular use.
This could include:

  • sites that could be protected – for example, an area of open space that you think should be protected for recreational use, or a business site that you think should be protected to provide local jobs
  • sites that could be promoted for a use that is different from the current use, for example, a site that you think should be developed for housing, business, leisure or another use.
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