Contact our friendly fostering team

Contact our friendly fostering team

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People who can foster

There is no typical foster carer. We welcome people from all backgrounds, nationalities, religions, genders and ages.

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People who can foster

Fostering with Stockport Council, why choose us?

As a Stockport Council foster carer, you'll receive tax-free allowances, support for yourself and your family and on-going training opportunities.

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Fostering with Stockport Council, why choose us?

Types of fostering

There are several different types of fostering, ranging from short term and long term to specialist fostering.

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Types of fostering


A film about how fostering can mean everything to everyone involved.

Stockport's Mockingbird project

We're part of Mockingbird, an innovative method of delivering foster care which uses an extended family model. The Mockingbird project offers sleepovers, peer support, regular monthly support meetings and social activities.

Find out more about Mockingbird

Changing lives

We believe that the best place for a child to live is with their own family. Sadly, this is not always possible and children are taken into care. When this happens, the council becomes responsible for the care and safeguarding of the child.

Join our fostering community and provide a family home, giving children and young people in Stockport, hope, stability and a brighter future.

Find out more about fostering with us

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